I almost wasn't able to get on today to update everyone on my progress... This computer that I hate so much is running VERY slowly these days which makes logging in an absolute PAIN! But here I am and I'm happy to report that I am .8 lbs lighter! Okay, it isn't even a whole pound, but I'll take it. Knowing that it was week one of my last two weeks before the big weight loss kick off made me indulge a little more than I should have (Damn Swedish Fish) and I knew that the weight loss would slow down. I'm just happy to not have had a gain!
So today was Farm day. I've mentioned our CSA before. Last year was our first year and we decided to join again, determined to find ways to prepare these local veggies that we aren't used to eating (Kale? Kohlrabi??) I'm liking the CSA very much this year. Partly because we dropped to a half share. I'm ashamed to say a lot of food went to waste last year and this year seems to be just enough that I can manage it a little better. So this week, here's what we got: Broccoli, 3 heads of leaf lettuce, a nice fat cabbage, a bag of mesclin, garlic scapes, 2 kohlrabi, basil, kale hmm...I think that's it. So my new loves in this list are the garlic scapes and the kale, two items that I habitually ended up tossing last year. No longer scared of the garlic scapes (which if you aren't familiar, is the top of the garlic plant, these are harvested first and then the bulb of the plant--the garlic cloves--are harvested later) I have found a way to incorporate them in to more dishes. Last year I tried them raw in a salad and was turned off by their bite (much like eating raw garlic)...but saute these babies and the flavor becomes mildly garlicky...it added so much yummy flavor to the broccoli dish I made last week! I also threw some in the cabbage dish I made...I'm tempted to just serve them up as a side, but it might be too much garlic flavor for the family. I have learned how to turn the kale into a light crunchy chip, the perfect base for a myriad of flavors: garlic salt, Parmesan cheese, smoked paprika etc. This will be my new favorite "diet" snack. I L-O-V-E potato chips and these could easily become a viable substitution for those...seriously you can't eat just one!
In other news, I've got a crybaby on my hands. My littlest darling catnaps during the day and likes to cry if she isn't being attended too. I'm very nervous about how I will incorporate a workout into my day. My other babes took long naps in both the morning and afternoon. Olivia would sit awake, alert and content for a good while, but Chloe isn't like that. At least not yet, so we will see how things go...one more week to get a feel for some sort of routine!
2024 Holiday Gift Guides
[image: 2024 Holiday Gift Guides]
Just like we did for our *2023 Gift Guides* and our *2022 Gift Guides*,
we’ve got all three of our gift lists in one sing...
2 months ago