Thursday, May 5, 2011

Before I Get Productive

The sun is out, FINALLY, and has prompted me to write as I bask in it's semi-warmish glow.

Jordan told me this morning that today is the 6th sunny day of 2011. I'm not sure how she knows this...but I imagine she is charting it in one of her journals or something, so I am not going to question it!  Nor will I question why we get the tease of this one day of sun and then it's forecasted to go back to more of the same tomorrow.  I won't question why, on the day that I need to stay inside and clean my house for our upcoming Mother's Day picnic, the sun decides to shine.  I'm just going to sit in the semi-warmish glow for a few minutes and recharge!

So last week I decided to get serious about watching what I eat and got back on the treadmill. I'm doing a C25K program for the treadmill to get me used to running again. I'm not sure how, but I managed to fit in 4 workouts last week and am starting to feel motivated again.  A 3.4 lb loss on the scale this week is helping with the old motivation but I still have about a 14 lb hole I'd like to dig out of.  It's a start anyway. 

Thinking about lots of things lately.  Wish I would have written some of it down, but I can't live with regrets! Hopefully I won't get into a habit of only posting on sunny days in Western, PA...who KNOWS when you would see me again!


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