The past few days (weather wise) have been blissful. I have the blinds open this morning to blue skies and, before the girls began blaring a Taylor Swift song on their CD player, I could hear what seemed like a thousand different birds chirping outside the window. If I strain, I can still hear a few tweets make their way through and if I close my eyes I can wish away those ugly brown speckled snow mounds....they are slowly disappearing and that makes me very happy!
It means that spring is on the way and we've got a lot planned for this spring. First things first, and that's getting our house ready for the market. I'm not a spring cleaner, I'm a company's coming cleaner...but I kind of want to spring clean. It could be the nesting instinct kicking in. We have some big projects to tackle before we are ready to go. We need to finish our hardwood project that we started before the holidays--we need a nice solid weekend of mild weather and nothing else to do, to get it done (I mean that's what my husband needs...I'll be packing up the kids and dog and heading somewhere else for a couple of days!)
We also need to fix our front steps...scratch that, tear OUT the front steps and replace them. We've been "fixing them" for the last 3 years and the fix never lasts through the winter. We also need to paint the girls' room and the playroom a pleasing, buyer friendly neutral. Clean up the basement a little. I also need to organize...get rid of junk drawers and go through closets etc.
It's going to be a lot of work but hopefully this time the timing is right and we can move on from this home that was supposed to be our starter. We had a five year plan when we moved in's going on 7. I'm fine with that. I like my house, but there's a few things that I will look for in the next house that we don't have now.
The end of spring will also bring our new baby. I feel like she is already here...of course I'm still getting a full night's sleep so I know that isn't the truth. Her movements are so much stronger now. I'm beginning to actually distinguish hands and feet wiggling around in there. I'm better able to predict periods of restfulness and awake time. The girls are constantly feeling my belly, "giving the baby kisses" and we all refer to her by her name, pray for her before bed and at meal times and just talk about her an awful lot...I guess that's why it seems like she is here! I'm getting into my uncomfortable 3rd trimester, more doctor's appointments and more preparations for her arrival. It's exciting! We are all placing bets on what she will look like! My guess is she will look like my oldest daughter and husband. I'm hoping for it actually...
The younger two have more of my facial features and they are cute as buttons if I do say so...but they both were born with cleft palates (I had one too!) and it makes the new born stage very worrisome. Now it is no big deal, but at birth Ava had some troubles and had to be in the NICU for the first 2 1/2 months. She had a bunch of procedures and it was very tiresome and awful to be away from her as much as we were. Livi's cleft palate issues weren't as severe, we could bring her home right away, but with both girls I couldn't nurse (I pumped like crazy) and it took Olivia a long while to plump up the way a baby should. They both were on monitors at night--Ava had a feeding tube, and I remember at times feeling less like a mom and more like a doctor or nurse fiddling with gadgets. Plus there was the corrective surgery for both of them around 1-1 1/2 years that was not fun AT ALL! We made it through though.
Selfishly, I'm hoping that this baby won't have a cleft. The sonograms look promising (but they all did, so that doesn't mean anything). I just want to be able to nurse my baby and not worry if she is getting enough to eat, or going to choke, or wrap herself up in monitor wires at night. I don't want her to have to have surgery. It would be absolutely wonderful to just have a normal mommy/newborn experience this last time around.
I wouldn't change anything--I bet Ava wouldn't be the spitfire that she is if she didn't go through that, and Olivia's easy going take it as it comes attitude would be different too. That new born experience helped to shape them into the sweet little things they are now...but this time around...well there's no telling what spring will bring, but we can hope!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
[image: A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs]
Never heard of Ocean Springs, Mississippi? Neither had we! But it caught
our eye on round-ups like Southern Liv...
4 weeks ago
4 Reader Remarks:
I can only imagine how anxious you are getting! I pray that things work out exactly how you hope they will. You have such a great outlook on it, though. I'm sure you are right about your girls being shaped by the experiences they have already had! :)
We bought our house with a 5 year plan in mind, too...we reached 6 years in February. I know that we will have to move because we've seriously outgrown our house! I just don't know how I am going to find the energy to get our current house ready to show. I mean the toys alone!!! Then you add the clothes for 6 people...we just don't have the time to keep up. I'm a lot like you - I clean for company!
Wanted to let you know that I gave you an award - which I am really not comfortable passing them out for some reason. I won't be at all offended if you don't do awards and want to just ignore it (really, no big deal - I probably won't do them again) - but I wanted to let you know it's there (just in case). I do really enjoy your blog! :)
Oh - and we sent in our stuff for the CSA today! We are splitting a share with my parents.
Thanks Janene...I'll have to check it out.
I'm glad you are doing the CSA. I hope you fin it worthwhile. I'm interested to see if it will be even better this year. It seems like the feedback is that it keeps getting better and better.
They are definitely getting their name out there. I think they even donated a full share to be auctioned off at the MQA Gala this year (I'm going to bid on it and share it with my mom) and if we don't win I'll be signing up for a half share this year!
Christine, I will hope and pray that this this little one arrives fully healthy and ready to go! I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to have to handle something like a cleft palate. And you can't even tell from your girls' picture at the top of your blog! They all, and you too, look gorgeous and wonderful!
As for the cleaning house, oh, I hear you on that!!!! I go from room to room just shaking my head! How have I acquired all of this JUNK?! I need to do some spring cleaning too!!!!! I'm a pack rat, so it's going to be SO hard to throw things away! And talk about a 5 year plan! Hahahahaha, we also had a 5 year plan, and this is year 8! And there's NO talk of moving anytime soon. :(
Best of luck to you with this market! I watch HGTV all the time and am hopefully soaking up all the little helpful hints they throw out about getting your house in selling mode! I'll pray that you sell your house SUPER fast!!!! Did you bury your St. Joseph statue?!
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Gimme some sugar! <3