You don't. When I got up on Tuesday I thought I was going to have no problem getting to my daughter's school to help out for Lunch and Recess duty. For two months Jordan had been waiting for this day. When I waved her off at the bus stop, I gave her a kiss, smiled and said "I'll see you today at lunch!" Her excitement was so precious! My 6 almost 7 year old was still excited to see her old mom at school. I'm sure as the moments ticked down to lunch her happiness grew...
Meanwhile, fifty minutes before it was time to be there I headed out to warm up the van. Back inside, I bundled everyone up and we headed out. I planned to drop off the little kids at my mom's house so that my sister could keep an eye on them and I could volunteer with both hands, eyes, and ears free to focus on the tasks at hand. We didn't get far though. I backed the van to turn around and head straight out the driveway and when I put it in drive we began to slide. Maybe if I reverse a little and try again. Nope. Still sliding. Maybe if I get out and put the floor mats in front of the tires (I thought that was a pretty GREAT idea). No. Still sliding. Try again. Slide. And Again. Slide. And Again. Slide. I called Jim. Try this. Slide. Try That. Slide. And now I had slid into a worse spot. (I'm not sure why I called Jim--45 minutes away and no idea how or where I was stuck). I guess I just wanted to commiserate a little. I even looked in the garage for something that might help. I scattered salt, but it was too little, too late. Defeated, I called the school and tromped back inside to make lunch for the gang.
I felt broken hearted a little bit. I also felt silly. (I also realize that I am not a great driver)
It hasn't snowed in days. The problem is that our driveway stone and we aren't really able to shovel and salt it very well (Jim HAS tried). There was a tiny bit of melt yesterday and the packed snow on the drive got a little slick and as the tires spun, it made it worse.
When Jordan got off the bus I could immediately see the disappointment on her face. I gave her big hug. She said that when she saw that I wasn't at lunch she started to cry.
Oooooh! Next month I. WILL. BE. THERE!
2024 Holiday Gift Guides
[image: 2024 Holiday Gift Guides]
Just like we did for our *2023 Gift Guides* and our *2022 Gift Guides*,
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